And the winner is:


With his entry:

Because I want one. Penis.



In second place:




In third place:

Emy G!

I respect all fish.

(This one was extremely hard for me to pick because I certainly do not respect all fish but I didn't want to let bias affect my judgement)


All winners will be contacted by email after I eat my eggie breakfast. Congratulations and thank you to everyone for entering!


Colouring Book Essay Contest!

In five words or less, tell me why I should give you a colouring book. Contest closes Dec 20, 2013.

To enter, email Sarah here.

People already in the blomic may enter (Sarah will strip the names from the entries so I won't know who entered what)

Some additional rules that Jon is making me include for legal reasons:
1.Open to residents of USA and Canada excluding Quebec.

2. The odds of winning depends on the number of entries.

3. You don't have to buy anything to win.

4. All entries will receive a thank you email but only the winners will be contacted about the prize.

5. Winners will have to answer a skill testing question.

6. No personal information will be given or sold to any other party. Information will only be used to thank people for their submission, contact the winners, and deliver the prizes.

7. The name of the winners will be announced on the website.

8. Prizes will be mailed out by Jan 3, 2014.

9. One entry per person.

10. You may only enter your own work. By entering you are agreeing that your submission is your own.

11. Three prizes to be won (approximate value $10 USD).








Copyright (c) 2004 Omi Inouye. All rights reserved.