Chapter 113

  1. Not a sponsorship, just excited
  2. Starting the day off right
  3. Just drop it.
  4. Still drinkable
  5. A good day
  6. Priorities
  7. The mast is the straw!
  8. Ready to Dwell
  9. Does not count towards achievement

Chapter 112

  1. A Cultural Idiom
  2. It's fine.
  3. It's what we both wanted
  4. 14 years of dating should have prepared him
  5. Your thing makes more sense
  6. brrrrrr....heatwave....
  7. I like the indoors
  8. Well-balanced
  9. Witcher Woes
  10. Enhanced Crown gives extra crit when the sun is down

Chapter 111

  1. Gatherer 3
  2. It needed to be done
  3. I didn't know what else to do.
  4. Look, it's not that I'm not grateful....
  5. It's the thought that counts
  6. Donkey Dearest
  7. Still not enough
  8. The sparkle brings unwanted emphasis
  9. You probably don't want to know how much of this one is true

Chapter 110

  1. consequences
  2. Difference Maker
  3. See? One way or the other, we're all rooting for the flames...
  4. uhhhhh....?
  5. Probably.
  6. We probably just don't remember her asking
  7. Stolen Dreams
  8. Additional Skill Points Required
  9. Jon's genius plan
  10. Not part of the plan

Chapter 109

  1. It's pretty much the same sport
  2. It'll be a bitch to clean
  3. MGB: the recipe's a secret
  4. A complex filing system
  5. Not entirely unusual for her
  6. But I RSVP'd weeks ago!
  7. Makes sense pt. 1
  8. Dear NHL: You owe us gas money
  9. Makes sense again
  10. It's this or we don't shave our legs.

Chapter 108

  1. Oddly Alarming
  2. In Da House
  3. Invoice
  4. It's just nachos and hard liquor now
  5. zero followers
  6. A fine orange powdering
  7. Sparkly Clean
  8. Some sort of warning label
  9. Why is everyone so against this?
  10. Can and Did

Chapter 107

  1. Keeping track
  2. Hostile Pepperoni
  3. It doesn't count as cheating
  4. DoppelRobots
  5. kleenex were a day one privilege
  6. He really did
  7. Something is amiss...
  8. Don't know if you'd really call it a present then
  9. A bit more disturbing

Chapter 106

  1. Corporal Hungry Pants
  2. Better put a pirate hat on then
  3. The first and last Tiara Tuesday
  4. I'm sure there are other reasons too
  5. Poop defying
  6. It's really not
  7. The only option
  8. Advent-urously Drunk
  9. googly.jpg
  10. Seems fundamentally wrong

Chapter 105

  1. Pafectious
  2. Teenage Fluff
  3. I don't understand why this happened to me.
  4. Fighting Triggers
  5. Hired purrcenaries
  6. Seeing Red
  7. Who knows what else would get in
  8. Missing
  9. She didn't either
  10. Delicious

Chapter 104

  1. Munch Crunch
  2. Inviting Social Disorders
  3. Are you sure? Check again.
  4. Assignment per purpose not per person
  5. Everyday
  6. MVP Trophy up for grabs
  7. AG(M) for Mature
  8. When winning is losing
  9. Afterfoods
  10. It's your call.

Chapter 103

  1. Colder than I thought Anaheim would be
  2. Clans left unclashed
  3. Electronic success
  4. Gagh!
  5. I may have gone overboard
  6. A walk through the wild
  7. Nature's vending machines
  8. Either way, it's dead
  9. Follow up
  10. Well, where else was I going to put it?

Chapter 102

  1. Chill
  2. The Best Man's plan
  3. Not entirely UNlikely
  4. A Clash of Priorities
  5. Not kidding, he said this...
  6. An unfortunate misunderstanding
  7. Unintended Post Production Costs
  8. Problems that shouldn't be ignored
  9. Shockingly not tasty
  10. Nerdasaurus-Rex

Chapter 101

  1. Looks right to me
  2. A Clash of Priorities
  3. Textbook Responses
  4. 100% own this
  5. MY day!
  6. Audible Yes.
  7. Style
  8. Wig disruptions
  9. Wild Night
  10. Should have been a Preparedness Drill

Chapter 100

  1. They'll look roughly eight hours
  2. Jon does.
  3. Finance
  4. Gotta Love
  5. move in requirements
  6. Krafty
  7. The Best Plan
  8. Consensus
  9. omg, AGAIN?!
  10. Dyslexic Dates

Chapter 99

  1. An often overlooked step
  2. Something that should probably be checked out
  3. It's pretty comfortable in there
  4. All the fuss
  5. Legumes and Yogurt
  6. Spider Bites and Nachos
  7. Ahem.
  8. Eye opening
  9. Hint: They're over there.
  10. 99% failure rating

Chapter 98

  1. Absolutely Furious
  2. Strange Mail
  3. My Dream Team
  4. Local Time
  5. Go Canada Go!
  6. So safe in here
  7. Contagious
  8. Every Year
  9. idiots
  10. I'll probably just get burned again.

Chapter 97

  1. A Goog Seismic Proportions
  2. More Freedom
  3. Maaaarghhhh
  4. Ooops.
  5. This is going to be so much fun.
  6. Panic.
  7. A solid plan
  8. On the right track.
  9. A mild increase in temperature
  10. Mail Call

Chapter 96

  1. A puzzling theme
  2. Table Tightening
  3. The Joy of Giving
  4. An Awesomely Lame Tradition
  5. The morning of January 2nd
  6. It had been on my TODO list for a while
  7. A relaxing massage on the Pegasus
  8. Org Chart
  9. Producing Problems
  10. Freedom 35!

Chapter 95

  1. On the fifth day of curling...
  2. birfday cake
  3. Drawing a line...
  4. Truth
  5. Knit Perl Ched
  6. Feeling less than awesome
  7. Same difference
  8. Frequently
  9. Therapy Needed
  10. Christmas Spirit

Chapter 94

  1. Dinner Conversation
  2. Deep Breathing
  3. This could lead to some aformentioned interesting dinner conversation
  4. Birthday Prep
  5. Invitation Extended
  6. Defying Conventions
  7. RAAAAWR Of The Birthday
  8. Perfect sizes
  9. Physically Challenging
  10. Recovery Details

Chapter 93

  1. I think the whole thing was planned
  2. Draw 1
  3. Draw 5
  4. Draw 10
  5. Elevate Your Sarah
  6. Celebratory Resistance
  7. Primary Fashion Sense
  8. Some Sort of Rule
  9. Future Plans Include Vomiting
  10. (The Trucks, Not the Drivers)

Chapter 92

  1. To Track the Bonspiels
  2. Now with 33% less explosive gastric issues
  3. A number of pounds
  4. Bonus Meme: Rocket Burn II
  5. DNA and Motel Waffles
  6. So Unthankful
  7. Joint Venture
  8. Questionable Endgame
  9. It's a possibility
  10. Letters of dissatisfaction

Chapter 91

  1. Advancing to the next bracket
  2. A Cure for the Blah
  3. The fanciest
  4. On the right path
  5. Grand Theft Sucking
  6. Feel the tingle
  7. Redundant
  8. Driver's Ed.
  9. wavering
  10. MVP

Chapter 90

  1. August 24
  2. The narrowing fields of Texas
  3. Ready for this
  4. Best Diet Ever
  5. Ring for Recovery
  6. Ham-A-What?
  7. An intro to who and ham
  8. Jamtastic
  9. learning path
  10. Orange based certainties

Chapter 89

  1. ...
  2. Obviously
  3. Rainbows and Lies
  4. It often is
  5. omi standard time
  6. WTF day is it again?
  7. Surprise party
  8. Filling in
  9. Interaction of pills with echinoderms
  10. Seasons of Discontent

Chapter 88

  1. Conversing in humority
  2. Now with more bumps!
  3. Cherry Harvest
  4. Dress up
  5. Lockdown Freeze-out
  6. Face to Face with grim reality
  7. Yeah, I'm not eating that...
  8. Yelling means they liked them, right?
  9. It took like an hour and I'm pretty sure no one was satisfied with the results
  10. Perfectly good goals

Chapter 87

  1. Here's to 13 more
  2. He just won't shut up

  3. Jealousy in Japan
  4. We could all use a soother
  5. Reason
  6. Taking a toll
  7. Buyer's remorse
  8. It's important to have some structure

Chapter 86

  1. The opposite of cool
  2. Hot dogging Mr. Hot Dog
  3. valid questions
  4. A difficult position
  5. 2/4 record
  6. slim pickings
  7. the best of both worlds
  8. Hostile Takeover
  9. Seriously Sarah! Wtf?!

Chapter 85

  1. encouragement
  2. It seemed like a good plan in theory
  3. Source of Goodness
  4. Payment: Not quite in full
  5. Snuggable
  6. Volume II
  7. Subtext
  8. plague-licious
  9. All I want in life
  10. Not a whole lot of recovery

Chapter 84

  1. Style
  2. To be fair, I put a lot of detail in that fruit
  3. More like 3 times
  4. Contagion
  5. Comforter solutions
  6. Baggies
  7. Payout
  8. Concurrency
  9. He has until the deadline
  10. Challenging

Chapter 83

  1. A dirty move
  2. Strangely not a Hallmark moment
  3. No Expiry Date
  4. Shortened Season
  5. Alarm
  6. Very Likely
  7. A concrete solution
  8. Peanut Pong is out
  9. A Total Drag
  10. Problem solved

Chapter 82

  1. Lunch for two
  2. Risk and Reward
  3. Once more and I win a prize
  4. The call on the ice stands
  5. Totally sanitary
  6. Something on the inside feels less like stabbing you
  7. Rage for me
  8. Zen
  9. Jon's blomic
  10. The Best Shop

Chapter 81

  1. A Merry Markov Christmas
  2. This isn't a lie. He really did this to my present.
  3. Happy Christmas
  4. A day off
  5. It certainly wasn't MY resolution
  6. You KNOW you want to know what happened!
  7. An explanation
  8. The Only Explanation
  9. The future in two steps
  10. Can't Ignore

Chapter 80

  1. one
  2. Start the season snarky
  3. No from the mo
  4. I better start stocking up today
  5. Go Birthday!
  6. Step One: Take key out of pocket. Step Two: Unlock goddamn door
  7. My Birthday Wish
  8. Promotion
  9. All stuf, no puff
  10. a Difecalt situation

Chapter 79

  1. Checking in
  2. Presidents' Trophy
  3. It still counts as putting in the effort
  4. 100% true
  5. What day is it?
  6. Compromise
  7. Cucumber Face Masks
  8. Guess what 3
  9. The Mustache Movement
  10. From Experience

Chapter 78

  1. Thanksgiving at omi and Jon's
  2. character creation
  3. Lunge
  4. Interpret how you like
  5. At least one of the three wasn't caused by me
  6. ThinkGeek makes all my dreams come true
  7. Jamboree
  8. Dictate
  9. Feeding

Chapter 77

  1. Nametags and Cheesecake
  2. Justifiable
  3. Looking at Life
  4. No need to worry
  5. My is weak
  6. Crack panda recruitment
  7. A genuine invitation
  8. Feel the burn?

Chapter 76

  1. Imminent Death
  2. Yes I am and no you can't
  3. Today is the day
  4. Aftermath
  5. After...something inside me feels like it's burning...
  6. Surprisingly Accurate
  7. Experience says:
  8. Plans
  9. Consumer Conscious
  10. Obligations

Chapter 75

  1. Comparatively
  2. terrivi-ing
  3. Audionymous
  4. Why doesn't anyone believe me?
  5. fisherfun
  6. I know why
  7. The best laid plans
  8. Every time
  9. Attention loyalists:
  10. Deliciously Disgusting

Chapter 74

  1. An obvious outcome
  2. I'm so much fun to hang out with right now....
  3. Down for the Count
  4. We were on our best behaviour
  5. DK in da house
  6. Culinary Skills
  7. Rob and Rose!
  8. Green Light on Sensitive Material
  9. s'go
  10. munch munch

Chapter 73

  1. Page...lets say 24
  2. Diablomic
  3. page 27
  4. Happy whatever
  5. A Stupid Rule
  6. Diablomically Bad
  7. Lectrawesome
  8. It's a good dream

Chapter 72

  1. I bet you wished you knew what happened here
  2. Disturbing Conversations While Drinking
  3. Festering
  4. Happy Forthcoming IvyDay
  5. Visit
  6. I don't know about the left, but the right side is mostly accurate
  7. Acidic Ideas
  8. Don't hold your breath
  9. Almond Body Butter Delight
  10. Cover Art

Chapter 71

  1. Obvious
  2. 5 stars
  3. He could be an X-men
  4. My Two Pennies
  5. The collapse of the smallest of small businesses
  6. Structure
  7. Scrubtastic
  8. Fair Hair
  9. Alert
  10. We've trained for this

Chapter 70

  1. MMooooh
  2. Survival Chance Minimal
  3. The New Standard in Interactive Entertainment
  4. I solved it.
  5. It's actually happened a couple times
  6. Conversations with purpose
  7. Actually I'm pretty certain too...
  8. Featuring
  9. Professional Hazards
  10. Fixed

Chapter 69

  1. Games
  2. This was like a five hour long argument.
  3. Another baby on the way
  4. It's justified
  5. RCMIP
  6. Priority
  7. Disposal
  8. Indulging in Annoyances
  9. Lunch special
  10. Guess what 2

Chapter 68

  1. Safety Rating
  2. I have a question.
  3. Sarah named this one: I have a f**king hangover already. It's 12:09am
  4. Foiled by a third dimension
  5. Monitarily
  6. Division of Goods
  7. Femininity
  8. Everything is better with rum
  9. Company
  10. Down With The Sickness

Chapter 67

  1. David Online Teaser
  2. Observation and Realization
  3. Riveting
  4. The Daily Ritual
  5. Branching out to a New Audience
  6. Literally Awkward
  7. True Story
  8. A Surprising Amount of this is True
  9. asuarus
  10. A Baby on the Way

Chapter 66

  1. Sarah's Stag's Super Awesome Drinky Blinky Lights!
  2. After hours of brainstorming, this was the only plan we came up with:
  3. Helpful
  4. My vision for the future involves playing violent video games in peace
  5. Get Busing!
  7. We seriously are
  8. T to the entacle
  9. They wouldn't let her keep it.
  10. Take another look at what you just signed up for

Chapter 65

  1. I hate yogurt
  2. It really is....
  3. Testing
  4. A Bullshit Ruling
  5. Bad move, Sarah
  6. new books!
  7. Deterrent
  8. Congratulations!
  9. It always seems like a good idea BEFORE we start

Chapter 64

  1. The Wombat
  2. An interlude from the war
  3. We've got spirit, do you?
  4. Jon Didn't Design This Weapon
  5. Should I Do This?
  6. I hope she gets demoted for this!
  7. Offensive Defense
  8. He was really that angry
  9. I regret nothing!
  10. Moderately Disturbing

Chapter 63

  1. Cultural Consultant
  2. Peace Aveet
  3. The Cause of It All
  4. True Story
  5. If the doors open at six, I'll be in the hospital by seven
  6. omi Scouts!
  7. Eye Wear
  8. Everyone got a badge at the AGM
  9. AGM (Now in Widescreen)
  10. A brief explanation of why

Chapter 62

  1. So, are you in?
  2. I really want it, Dave
  3. One year later and still not PG
  4. Burfday Card
  5. Dust the hats off...
  6. No
  7. Total Agreement
  8. My Inbox is Empty
  9. The Appeal Process
  10. R8-327b

Chapter 61

  1. I can feel him judging us.
  2. It's not about what I think, it's just fact.
  3. Oh....Canada
  4. It's a valid question
  5. Welcome Back
  6. Shipping
  7. Reset
  8. Bitcoins
  9. Mein Stuffs
  10. Everything went fine

Chapter 60

  1. gj hackers
  2. We're on our way RIGHT NOW.
  3. Chocolate Milk
  4. Confer
  5. Repercussions of Monday
  6. gardening
  7. Four good questions and an excellent answer
  8. I don't think he's going to show up, ross
  9. That time of year again
  10. And he said it was a waste of money...

Chapter 59

  1. Daily regiment
  2. Punk you'd better back up
  3. I wish we were able to deny at least one of these
  4. 100% True
  5. Pre-Exam Rituals
  6. invite
  7. ding dong
  8. bing bong
  9. post
  10. Why is this on tv?!

Chapter 58

  1. I'm really quite pissed
  2. "Like an angry buddha"
  3. How we say we're proud
  4. Magicka Influential
  5. Invisappropriate
  6. Barely passed the veto
  7. I held off on posting this until after David moved out...
  8. Ready....set....
  9. Back on Track
  10. DDS: The second D is for douchebag

Chapter 57: Gluten, Crab Hats, and Announcements

  1. Now Gluten Free!
  2. Just Ridiculous
  3. More things should be like they are in my head
  4. If One, Then All
  5. A Great Idea
  6. It was a pretty good dinner
  7. Answers
  8. More Information
  9. Who had 2 days/food related in the pool?
  10. Strings (in ghetto vision)

Chapter 56: Zombie-opoly and Holidays

  1. OMFG...Coming Soon
  2. Someone
  3. na
  4. This one requires more explanation...but you're not going to get it
  5. The Arrival of Zombie-opoly
  6. Rights of Resolutions
  7. My Bad
  8. Mount
  9. The Best Defense
  10. Depleted

Chapter 55: Double Downs and Marmots

  1. ugggghhhh
  2. The cause of our pain
  3. Danger with Strangers
  4. I know it's not easy to know thanks!
  5. no page
  6. A Theft Most Horrid
  7. The Krëw
  8. Partake
  9. * * 4 L
  10. Loyalty

Chapter 54: Phones, Turkey, and De-fecalfying

  1. This time it wasn't me who broke it
  2. If you didn't want to know, you shouldn't have looked
  3. An Accurate Simile
  4. Something to be thankful for
  5. Re-Acquaintances
  6. Technical Help
  7. I don't know if it's a word but it should be
  8. Stacking
  9. Thursday Night with Sarah
  10. 2 to the power of Down

Chapter 53

  1. It's just like that
  3. Expressions
  4. Disturbing: My Breakfast
  5. Rules
  6. Addendum
  7. We haven't even gotten to restrictions yet
  8. Assignment 1
  9. Ownership
  10. Not ok

Chapter 52: Sarah, me, Mark, and Jon

  1. Dinner
  2. Airshow
  3. Airshowboat
  4. Shade
  5. He never does.
  6. Elder
  7. Jetpacks and Testicles
  8. dullitude
  9. He's right
  10. Hang Two

Chapter 51: Dragons, KFC, and Alberta

  1. Spoiler -- Heartbroken
  2. Party Planning
  3. Camping
  4. Alternatives to Airconditioning
  5. It seemed like a good plan...
  6. Not PG
  7. It's hard to consider this a present
  8. A change in scenery
  9. Alberta
  10. A new skill

Chapter 50: Vacations, Visitors, and Kidnappings

  1. Fish Food
  2. Free Peanuts are Awesome
  3. Take the hint!
  4. We DID warn you
  5. Stop Stuffing!
  6. Fitting
  7. It's kinda what it looks like
  8. Incentive
  9. Come out, Come out
  10. wtf?

Chapter 49: Shut Ins and Camp Outs

  1. Tie Breaker
  2. A Fine Motto
  3. Signs that there is something wrong with the way you live
  4. I won't forget to next time
  5. It didn't have to be this way
  6. The best place on earth
  7. Yes. Can't have knobby head burn...
  8. Yeah. We're both bald now.
  9. Kitty Diet
  10. Vacation

Chapter 48: Hats, Pants, and Rollerskates

  1. Tree Fishing
  2. A True Story...
  3. oMiCodes!
  4. I'm always good
  5. A Gross Violation....(not that gross)...
  6. I wish this sort of thing didn't happen to me so much.
  7. there is poop on Jon's head
  8. Moonlighting
  9. More like half...
  10. I'm not budging on this! I'm right!!

Chapter 47: Final Fantasy and the Finale of Photoshop

  1. When all else fails - spray cheese
  2. Easily Trapped
  3. Newton's Kissing Ball Problem
  4. WIBBLE!
  5. 2 kibbles remaining
  6. He's a demon with spheres
  7. Recycle
  8. FatCatz
  9. No more cookies for anyone
  10. EASTER

Chapter 46: I got the fever. Olympic Fever.

  1. Why do all secrets end with me getting chased by a two headed bird?
  2. VANOC vs.
  3. Mergesort in C
  4. Fever
  5. Grab Bag
  6. Crazy Schemes
  7. Seriously, he's got NO fever
  8. no page
  9. guest strip - olympic wrap-up
  10. Guest strip - graph

Chapter 45: The Fluffy Stuffs go on the Offensive

  1. Pointy Bits
  2. Page 48: How to Write a Book
  3. The hat makes him gangsta
  4. Comp Sci doesn't cover this
  5. I brought steak sauce...
  6. They give me headaches but at least the sound quality is horrible
  7. It's not the first time
  8. That's not right
  9. It might do something...
  10. Jon's quite protective when it comes to polyhedrons

Chapter 44: Winter = vaccines + exams + meat + blood

  1. I never lose my mittens
  2. It's the most awesome balloon ever
  3. I need a vaccine that covers more stuff...
  4. Exams
  5. Christmas Guest Panels
  6. It's so warm inside a Snuggie
  7. Garbage: Round 2
  8. Worst idea ever
  9. Poker with my hippo
  10. dun-na-nas

Chapter 43: Which is almost entirely about the Dave Continuum

  1. The Black Spot
  2. The Dave Continuum: Rejection
  3. The Dave Continuum: How badly do you want it?
  4. The Dave Continuum: Actually it COULD be used as a slammer....
  5. The Dave Continuum: RUNNING!
  6. The Dave Continuum: Flying!
  7. The Dave Continuum: rockets and fighter jets
  8. The Dave Continuum: AAH!
  9. The Dave Continuum: Finally Finale-ing

Chapter 42: I Should Probably Be Nicer to the People I Draw...

  1. Sisters-In-Law pt 1: Bee Nice
  2. Special Requests
  3. Sisters-In-Law pt 2: The one where we find out if Kyla can take a joke.
  4. Sisters-In-Law pt 3: On average?...5
  5. Ages 3 and up
  6. Halloween Special pt 1:Rock Ham '09
  7. Halloween Special pt 2: Stam-Priest
  8. Halloween Special pt 3: 20hr cooldowns
  9. Halloween Special pt 4: Achieve Excellence
  10. Halloween Special pt. 5: Redemption

Chapter 41: New People

  1. New Neighbours
  2. All coins go to financing oMi's wishes...
  3. Meet Ali (I haven't)
  4. If sharks evolving into turtles isn't science, what is?
  5. Who needs Deoxy?
  6. no page
  7. Proof of Membership
  8. Taking the Fall
  9. Character Page
  10. 0 out of 30

Chapter 40: Home Plate isn't where it used to be

  1. Summer Softball pt1
  2. Summer Softball pt2
  3. Summer Softball pt3
  4. oMi Online cast
  5. Moving pt 1 - The Plan
  6. Moving pt 2. Interrupted Execution
  7. Moving pt. 3. hmph!
  8. Moving pt. 4. They like me just fine!
  9. Moving pt 5. Beer! (omg, I spelled 'ah' wrong. wow.)
  10. The Duck Queen

Chapter 39: explains why I still haven't graduated

  1. When made a lot of decisions...but mainly we made hats
  2. Sometimes I worry about Computer Science
  3. guest strip
  4. Happy Birthday Jon
  5. Working with others
  6. LFG
  7. essay.c
  8. slides
  9. no page
  10. Chelios vs Austin

Chapter 38: oMiBot, Facebook, and AGM

  1. Assemble
  2. I'm going to need more duct tape
  3. Numerous Doubts
  4. Car Trip
  5. no page
  6. Facebook
  7. Dino-freaks
  8. AGM
  9. Motion for the floor
  10. Guest Page

Chapter 37: Congratulations, Quimby and Jessy!

  1. Happy Birthday, Landon
  2. Upgrading
  3. Re: whistles
  4. Port Knocking
  5. pst invite
  6. Evac
  7. Intimidating Introductions
  8. Sorry
  9. Don't cut throught the park, Ross!
  10. Don't cut through the park, Kupo!

Chapter 36: SAVE THE BEANS!!

  1. Cease and Desist
  2. Data-bi
  3. Threats of Invasion
  4. The Invasion Begins
  5. Commitment
  6. Protect the Beans!!
  7. no page
  8. David shouldn't nag me to post a page
  9. Continuing the Protection
  10. VRRRRM....(ba)

Chapter 35: I Really Shouldn't Be Left Alone

  1. A Task
  2. All Alone
  3. Check This Out
  4. Touche
  5. No Page
  6. Peanut Pong
  7. Frosting
  8. BEEP
  9. Qualities
  10. My New Poster

Chapter 34: Weight, Realism, Ross

  1. I Could Totally Go for Some Chips
  2. Sights are Set a Little High
  3. Hunting For a Finale
  4. Unacceptable Solution
  5. Realism Now!
  6. 34
  7. People don't like me very much
  8. Liar!
  9. Stop Judging me!
  10. The Cause

Chapter 33: Watching and Weighting

  1. improbable midterm
  2. Sandra's Birthday
  3. Jon's options
  4. Running with Riddick
  5. Sometimes It's Hard to be a Literary Snob
  6. The Wrong Type of Weight Loss
  7. Compare!!
  8. I Love it When A Plan Comes Together...
  9. Watchmen
  10. I've got a thing for Doctors

Chapter 32: Which is Mainly About How Sarah Broke my Computer

  1. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 6: Spiders and STD's
  2. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 7: Outbreak
  3. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 8: Even Cyborgs Need DownTime
  4. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 9: Love Can Be Measured In Pixels
  5. oMii
  6. Reciprocation
  7. No Page
  8. It's Not the Height that Counts
  9. Eyes on the Prize
  10. Jonathan Schmidt, B.Eng

Chapter 31: I Miss Sarah Until She Comes Back and I Hate Her

  1. All Alone
  2. Christmas Dinner
  3. Hurry Hard
  4. Cats Don't Need to be Fed EVERY Day
  5. LaCoooCaRACha
  6. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 1
  7. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 2
  8. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 3. Disregard For Human Well-Being
  9. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 4: Three Car Pile-Up on Broadway
  10. Sarah Destroys My Computer Pt. 5: What the *(&#'s a Crepe?

Chapter 30: During Which I Was Cold Like the Whole Damn Time

  1. Two Goals Waved Off in 30 Seconds... WHAT THE *($&@(!!!! ....Also, Christmas
  2. Familial Concern
  3. Satisfaction
  4. Sometimes I Should Just Keep My Mouth Shut
  5. Stop Hogging The Cheddar
  6. As Wicked by Rancid
  7. David Expected More From Us
  8. Solid State Shines with the Heavens Glow
  9. oMiPhant
  10. Frogger

Chapter 29: Jon Does A Bunch Of Stuff...None of it Good

  1. We're All Hungry
  2. Where is Dave?
  3. Badgers Cheat
  4. Air oMi
  5. Jon-itis
  6. Math Comes Naturally to Some People (Jon)
  7. Jon's Learning Process
  8. InterJon
  9. 3% Failure Rate
  10. Trees Shouldn't Be So Flammable

Chapter 28: Which Contains Zombie Pandas

  1. These are the Daves...
  2. Baaaamboooo.....
  3. Cell Phone Bobbles
  4. The World Wants Me To Play Warcraft
  5. Thai
  6. No Page
  7. Hair Pt. 1: Tranny
  8. Hair Pt.2 Mullet
  9. Hair Pt. 3: Intervention
  10. Quest Helper

Chapter 27: 2D Gets An Upgrade

  1. Meet Gary
  2. Curses!
  3. What should I call this page where I dress up in eyes, Jon beats me, and then I eat a ham?
  4. Proportional Response
  5. High Blood Pressure
  6. Going to the Movies
  7. Profit Beans
  8. Pizza Card
  9. House Hippos
  10. Emo oMi

Chapter 26: Phaneuf, Physics, and Pheces

  1. The Potato Chip Matrix
  2. A Different Kind of Normal
  3. It Involved a Shoe Lace...
  4. BLO-MI
  5. Listeriosis
  6. The Other Woman
  7. The Day of Doom
  9. A Sound Investment
  10. Phuck Physics!

Chapter 25: Bananas Aren't The Devil's Food...Just a Byproduct

  1. Vancouver Can't Control the Weather....
  2. Tequila is a Purge that's Needed
  3. Spatch-A-Spoon
  4. The Ending of Hunger Through Meteorites
  5. I Think Batman Would Want to be my Friend....
  6. I Swore I'd Never Go Camping Again
  7. Rhino's and Hippos
  8. Banana Demon Poop
  9. Large Hadron Collider
  10. The Universe is Trying to Tell me Something

Chapter 24: Emo Vegas Robber Fish

  1. I Smell Like Fish
  2. What Would you Give to Get a Super-Suit
  3. Crime Wave
  4. The Nines
  5. The 9's Point 2
  6. I can't believe I never talked about my Jello Theory
  7. Great Steak and Potato
  8. All Sun, No Rise
  9. Cheese is Cheap in The Americas
  10. Drunk Chemist

Chapter 23: Predicates, Predictions, and Californians

  1. Rocket Powder
  2. This is harder when there's more words to read...spiders.
  3. Jon gets 100% in everything but relationships
  4. Jurassic Park was Fact, Not Fiction
  5. Pinball
  6. Dave (Quimby) Pt. 1
  7. Dave (Quimby) Pt. 2
  8. Jay + Dinosaurs
  9. Study on That Side
  10. Nance and Bakersfield Chewz

Chapter 22: Which Has No Central Theme

  1. Health and Buffalo
  2. Jay is a Cannibal
  3. I should be Embedded
  4. Rock Band
  5. Presents from Kyla
  6. You Break her, You Bought Her
  7. Disregard
  8. Perverted English
  9. Planets and Peanuts
  10. Leeloo Dallas, Zombie

Chapter 21: Books, Buttons, Balloons, and Birthdays

  1. Sarah's Bitter About Something
  2. Registering
  3. Making Buttons Makes me Happy
  4. Seriously, this Balloon was ()#@ing HUGE!
  5. It Was Actually Sarah's
  6. Video Games Which I Rock At
  7. I Don't Know what to Call this one, it's late, and I'm drunk. but FYI, we won the hockey game!!!
  8. Is Jon Leaving me again?
  9. Ross' Birthday
  10. Faulty Grain Products

Chapter 20: Drumming and Shooting...Not at the Same Time

  1. mmmm....waffles
  2. Core Rage Dump
  3. Teknicolor Wheat
  4. Shooting
  5. Presents
  6. Visually Confused
  7. Inglish Rekwirements
  8. oMi's Man Feet
  9. Zombie Bunker in Construction
  10. Rollin with Rick

Chapter 19: How Christmas Ate My Kidneys

  1. Christmas Time At Sarah's House. Pt. 1: 10 Days and 10 Litres
  2. CTaSH Pt. 2 Space Truckers
  3. CTaSH Pt. 3: Super Sonic
  4. CTaSH Pt. 4: More Movies
  5. CTaSH Pt. 5: Sarah ate a Chicken Nugget she Found on the Floor
  6. True Story
  7. Murder Cookies!
  8. Fluffy Stuffs are Hungry
  9. My Worst Nightmare
  10. Degrees of Drunk

Chapter 18: Bruce vs. The Autobots

  1. Die Hard was Everything I Needed it to Be.
  2. Except for Olyphant
  3. Jack Bauer vs. John McClane pt 1
  4. Jack Bauer vs. John McClane pt 2
  5. Doors Don't Like Me
  6. Vancouver Sucks pt. 1
  7. Vancouver Sucks pt. 2
  8. Transformers: needs more robots
  9. Bruce vs. The Autobots pt. 1: Sidekicks and ChickFights
  10. Bruce vs. The Autobots pt. 1: Villians and Heroes

Chapter 17: Me and Jon...and Then Just Me

  1. Nature Hates Me
  2. A Math Question
  3. Necessities
  4. Living with Jon doesn't Last Long
  5. oMi's House of Kick Ass Pizza
  6. 33%
  7. This Graph Exists
  8. I want to be a Goalie

Chapter 16: Beer Bongs and Lobster

  1. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 1: Jim
  2. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 2: Team Awesome and Team SuckFace
  3. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 3: No more Gas Station Sandwiches
  4. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 4: Who invited Jim anyways?
  5. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 5: Oregon is a hole
  6. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 6: Medford
  7. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 7: AntiDam
  8. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 8: San Fran
  9. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 9: I can't remember what's in there but it's probably not legible
  10. The Great Indifference Road Trip pt. 10: Portland

Chapter 15: Which is Mainly About Hippies

  1. My Robot
  2. Omi Goes to University
  3. Surrounded by Hippies
  4. Lab Groups
  5. Warcraft Usurpment pt. 1
  6. Warcraft Usurpment pt. 2
  7. Chibo
  8. Bake Sale
  9. I really can't draw elephants well
  10. MT


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