A guide to creating awesomeness
by Omi M Inouye

Some stuff I’d like to be clear on:
- This game contains adult content including, but not limited to: drinking, swearing, and violence.
- If you are adverse to these things, do not make and/or play this game.
- If you are not of legal drinking age, don’t drink alcohol. Juice is tasty too. I recommend cranberry for its dietary and urinary tract benefits.
- If you DO drink:
- Don’t drive
- Don’t shoot at your friends with dart guns
- Don’t create a huge mess at your friend’s house
- But mainly the driving one. That’s super bad.
- Drink responsibly
- This is a guide to transforming a Monopoly board into a Zombie-opoly board. It is not affiliated with Monopoly or Parker Brothers or really anything else.
- I’m Canadian so prices in this guide are in Canadian Dollars (also, there are extra u’s in words).
- I’d love to see your Zombie-opoly board! If you’d be so kind, please send pictures to zombieopoly@omionline.ca . I’ll post pictures and your name on my website: www.omionline.ca and on the Zombie-opoly facebook page. (If you don’t want your name posted, please say so in the email).
- If you deviate from the instructions and think it is an improvement, feel free to email me zombieopoly@omionline.ca, post on the Zombie-opoly facebook page, or tweet (@zombieopoly) about it.
- If you are confused about something in the Crafting or Gameplay instructions, feel free to email zombieopoly@omionline.ca or tweet (@zombieopoly) questions to me. I’ll try to respond quickly so you can get back to crafting/playing.
- oMiOnline and/or Omi Inouye accept no responsibility for anything that happens while crafting or playing this game.
- This game was created for Tristan Sorensen. Happy Birthday Tristan!
- Special thanks to Sarah Inouye, Jon Schmidt, and David Schmidt for helping me make this guide.
- Also special thanks to everyone who let me use their name, gave me suggestions on names, or helped me beta test the game.
- If you would like to see more stuff by me, check out my website: www.omionline.ca or get a copy of my book ‘A Girl’s Guide to Dating a Geek’ available from www.thinkgeek.com and www.amazon.com
- Thanks! Have fun playing!
List of Things You’ll Need
(and a couple things that would be good to have)
(* means I bought it at a dollar store)
- A Monopoly Game
- Monopoly appears to have changed their board quite a bit from when I used to play. The new board I bought folds into four instead of in half and the property cards are a different size. I made all the labels and stickers the right size for this board.
- If something doesn’t fit on your board, send me an email with the dimensions you need and I’ll try to make it the right size for you.
- A printer (preferably colour)
- ~20 pieces of cover stock paper that will fit through your printer (I used grey because I think it’s a better representation of post-apocalyptic zombieness but any colour is probably fine)
- ~5 pieces of regular printer paper
- Paint (or nail polish) *
- you only need a small amount of each colour.
- Needs to be paint that will adhere to plastic. I used acrylic
- Colours needed
- Red
- Blue
- Purple
- Green
- Brown
- Yellow
- Small paintbrush
- Yellow paper gift bag*
- Scissors
- Glue gun (Or a product called Glue Dots work really well)
- Glue stick
- 6 army men*
- Red permanent marker
- Toy dart gun (+ 5 darts)
- 12 popsicle sticks
- A timer or watch
- 6-10 1.0mL oral syringes
- Available at most pharmacy counters
- These are oral syringes (no poky needles)
- Cost about $0.25 - $0.50 each
- 2 sheets of 20”x20” (or larger and cut down to size) clear plastic (Duralar) about 0.05” to 0.20“ thick. This is to a) protect your Monopoly board so you can still use it to play real Monopoly and b) protect your Zombie-opoly board from spills. They aren’t REALLY required but I highly recommend them.
- Mine were about 2 dollars per sheet for 20x25” 0.05” thick, or 8 dollars for 20x50” sheet 0.20” thick.
Optional Stuff that is nice to have
- 6 cardboard frame backs ~3 inches tall (Easel Backs)
- These are little cardboard thingies that you can use to stick to pictures to make them stand up
- They cost about 3 dollars for five
- Glue Dots (Is the product name but the ones I bought were little strips)
- A paper cutter
Crafting Instructions
Zombie Attack Cards
- Use the cover stock paper to print 3 copies of zombieback.docx
- On the other side, print one of each:
- Cut out the cards
Survival News Cards
Player Pieces
- Paint the hats of 6 army men different colours
- I used:
- red
- blue
- green
- brown
- purple
- yellow
- Remove the plunger from the syringes.

- Outer syringe:
- You can either use red paint or a red permanent marker. I like the marker better because it looks more blood like BUT it does wear off a bit and turn the inside of your biohazard bag red.
- Paint/colour from the 0.0 to the 0.8mL line
- Plungers
- Paint about 1 inch of the bottom of the plunger (near the rubber bit)
- If you are using 8-10 syringes, paint 3 green and the rest blue
- If you are using 6-7 syringes paint 2 green and the rest blue
** We had trouble with the paint flaking off during the game. We also had trouble getting permanent marker ink to stay on. We’re trying nail polish next but sometimes it’s hard to find blue and green nail polish so use whatever you can easily find.
- I also wrote in thin permanent marker “You have syphilis” on one blue syringe because I find that funny.
Biohazard Bag
- Print the file called decorations.pdf onto plain paper.
- Cut out the biohazard symbol.
- Glue it onto the front of the yellow gift bag.
Player Cards
- Print out two copies of Playercards.pdf on cover stock.
- This is enough for one game with six players.
- Cut out cards.
 Zombie Cut-outs
- Print out 2 copies of zombies.pdf on cover stock.
- Cut out all the zombies. (You don’t need to be exact but you should cut along the line under their feet so that they will be able to stand up).
- Attach the easel backs to the back of them to make them stand.
- If you don’t have easel backs, cut 4 long strips from a piece of cover stock. Fold them into triangles and glue them to the back of the zombies.
Board Prep
- Cut the clear plastic so that you have two 20 x 20 inch sheets.
- Place one over the Monopoly board and tape the edges in place.
- Place all stickers/glue all images on to this sheet to protect your Monopoly board.
- All the images are the right size for the board I bought. I’m not sure if the sizes are different on other boards.
8.1 Images
- Cut out the rest of the images from decorations.pdf
- Glue the three small orange squares (with a stickman holding a gun) over the Community Chest images.
- Glue the three green rectangle zombies over the chance images.
- Glue the larger orange Barricaded square over the corner jail square.
- Glue the Zombies Chasing Us rectangle over the words “Collect 200 as you pass go” on the GO corner square.
- Glue the Build Barricade square over the GO TO JAIL corner square.
- Print out zombieopolyLabel.pdf on plain paper. Cut it out carefully and glue it over the centre Monopoly image.
- Long red “Version 2.0” image goes over the Fast-Dealing Property Game image.
- Zombie Attack image goes over Chance in the middle.
- Survival News image goes over Community Chest in the middle.
- Cheeseburger goes over the ring in luxury tax square.
8.2 Property Labels
- Print out properties.pdf on either plain paper or Avery 6504 White Removable ID labels.
- If you used plain paper, cut along the thick black lines. If you used the labels, cut along the thick right hand side line for each column. If you print on labels, your printer may cut off one of the lines a bit so you may want to use a black pen to make the line thicker.
- I’ve numbered the properties to show where they go but you can place them anywhere. Just make sure that you save some of the double tall property labels (at the bottom of the sheet) to be placed over the larger monopoly names (like North Carolina Avenue). Also make sure the McDonalds and Phantom Toll Booth go over the tax squares.
- Zombie Attack! labels go over Chance.
- Survival News labels go over Community Chest.
- COSTMART goes over FREE (trim this one a little), FREE PARKING goes over PARKING.
- JUST goes over JUST. FLEEING goes over VISITING.
- The labels that aren’t numbered go on the property cards. Make sure you match them to the right card. Use non permanent tape if you want to be able to remove them so you can still play regular Monopoly later.
8.3 Finish Up
- Make sure all your pieces are stuck down where you want them.
- Remove the tape holding the clear plastic to the board.
- Place the second sheet of clear plastic over the first and tape/glue the edges together. This will help protect your board from spills, wear/tear.
- Done!
Playing Instructions
Your Team
- Every player’s team consists of that player and 10 survivors. Name your survivors on your Player Card. If all your survivors die, you lose and you become a survivor on the Player Card of the player to the left of you. Your property will be available to be re-secured and your money goes to the bank.
Foraging For Supplies
- Travel around the board, gaining supplies (money), and trying to avoid zombie attacks. If you land on an unclaimed property, you can spend supplies to secure it from zombies and claim it as your own.
- Roll to see who goes first. Turns proceed in clockwise order from whoever rolled highest.
- If you roll doubles you get to roll again.
- Start with $1500 (or whatever your Monopoly instructions suggest).
- If you land on someone else’s property, pay them the supplies listed on the property card to seek shelter there.
- If a player owns all the properties in one colour grouping, payment is double. That player can then choose to buy bunkers (green houses) or compounds (red hotels).
- If you pass GO you can forage $200 in supplies from the bank. If you land on go, take a zombie attack card for stopping in a zombie infected area.
- Set up the four zombie cut-outs around the room.
Barricaded (Jail)
- Go to the Barricaded square and miss your turn until you can run fast enough to escape them (roll doubles) or sacrifice a party member to the zombies in order to distract them and sneak away. You only get three chances to roll doubles, on your third turn, you must sacrifice someone to escape.
- If you rolled doubles to escape, then you get to roll again.
CostMart (Free Parking)
- All repairs money and taxes get paid to CostMart (put it in the middle of the board). If you land on the CostMart square, you get to take all the supplies.
- CostMart starts with $500 in supplies. Every time someone lands on it, refresh the $500 with supplies from the bank.
- Set a watch or timer to go off every five minutes. When the timer buzzers, all players must undergo MedChecks. MedChecks can also be initiated by Survival News/Zombie Attack cards.
- Players who undergo MedChecks must take a sample of their blood from the biohazard bag. Pull out the plunger to test your blood. A healthy sample is blue, an infected sample is green.
- If you have an infected sample, one of your party members is infected and must be put down.
Loot Your Property (Mortgage)
- If you are running low on supplies, you can loot a property of its supplies (mortgage it from the bank) and leave it uninhabitable. That property card should be turned upside down. It is still owned by you but you cannot charge supplies for other players to stay there.
- You can re-secure the property by refilling it with supplies (pay back the bank).
- Improvements can be sold for ½ the price they were bought for.
Property Available to be Re-secured
- If you get a card that says you must abandon a property and it is now available to be re-secured it means that you no longer own that property. It may now be secured by the next player who lands on it.
- If the abandoned property has any improvements on it (houses or hotels), the improvements are lost. Improvements may be kept on any remaining properties in the colour group but no new improvements can be made until all properties in the colour group are owned again.
To Arms!
- Zombies are attacking you! You must shoot the zombies in the head (knock them over) before you run out of bullets or you will lose one party member.
- Roll to see how many zombies you must face.
- Note: You only get 5 bullets (the sixth is for you...)
Roll |
# of zombies |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 or 4 |
3 |
5 or 6 |
4 |
House Rules
- A player can get up from the table at any time BUT if they aren’t back by the time it is their turn, they must undergo a zombie attack.
Various Ways to Contact Me
Download Files
pdf alternatives: zombieback.pdf, zombiecards1.pdf, zombiecards2.pdf, zombiecards3.pdf, survivalback.pdf, survivalcards1.pdf, survivalcards2.pdf and survivalcards3.pdf
Or download all the files at once in a ZIP archive: zombie-opoly.zip